Bounded context example
Bounded context example

bounded context example

The DBA doesn't write C# code and John doesn't mess with server configs. They have their own responsibility and explicit boundaries. The first group implements features and fixes bugs.


But the IT department is itself organized in 2 groups: the software development group and the administration group. Both are respecting each others boundaries and act according to their responsibility. Of course, when John has a problem involving payroll he asks Rita to look into it. Like wise, the payroll files or invoices have no place in the IT department. In fact, VS would be a very strange software on an accountant's computer.


It isn't her responsibility and she doesn't know how to do it anyway, even if she knows that VS is the program used by John to write code. She doesn't fire up Visual Studio and starts messing with the code.

bounded context example

If Rita finds a bug in the accounting software (developed in-house) she calls the IT department to handle it.

bounded context example

They could but it would be such a scandal, because if they do that they would be overstepping their boundaries. John doesn't go into Rita's office and modifies the payroll and Rita doesn't go to John's and modifies his code. They have their own internal organization, their own internal rules, employees etc. I'm not talking about the fact they're in different offices. Both have very precise responsibilities and their boundaries are pretty explicit. The Accounting department handles everything accounting related, including payrolls. It has the responsibility to handle everything IT related in the company. Meet Rita, she's an accountant at the same company. A bounded context means that responsibility is enforced with explicit boundaries. So let's try again: A context means a specific responsibility. So, you have to understand how to identify a BC before actually getting to Aggregate Roots, Aggregates, Entities and Value Objects. BOUNDING CONTEXTS gives team members a clear and shared understanding of what has to be consistent and what can develop independently."īC is one of the hardest DDD principle to explain, but it is probably the most important, because you can't do DDD without a BC. "The delimited applicability of a particular model. What is a Bounded Context (BC) you ask? Well let's see the definition

Bounded context example